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Dear Supporters of RIEL Institute,
From the staff at RIEL Institute for Education and Learning, we would like to thank the community for the continual support of our programs.
Special thanks to our funders:
Government of Canada
Government of Alberta
Service Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada
Heritage Canada
and all of our Employers, Hosts, & Partners.
Thank you!
RIEL Institute for Education and Learning
RIEL Institute is always looking to create partnerships with new potential practicum and work experience hosts. Our students would greatly appreciate and benefit from the experience you are willing to offer.
For more information on our programs, please visit our programs pages or contact us at the main office.
If you are an employer and are interested in becoming a potential work experience or practicum host, please email melissa@rielinstitute.com.
Some of our Current Hosts & Employers:
Thank you all for your support!
If you are a current host or employer and would like us to add your logo, please reach out to melissa@rielinstitute.com.
